
Buyers Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home’s Equity Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you still owe on your mortgage. The typical homeowner gained $28,000 over the past year and has a grand total of $305,000 in equity. And there are a lot of great ways you can use that equity. Want to know how much equity […]
Buyers How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what’s ahead. One thing that can affect mortgage rates is the Federal Funds Rate, which influences how much it costs banks to borrow money from each other. While the Federal Reserve (the Fed) doesn’t […]
Affordability How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live There’s an interesting trend happening in the housing market. People are increasingly moving to more affordable areas, and remote or hybrid work is helping them do it. Consider Moving to a More Affordable Area Today’s high mortgage rates combined with continually rising home prices mean it’s tough for a lot of people to afford a […]
Buyers The Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Are Making Right Now Want to know the biggest mistakes homebuyers are making today? They include everything from putting off pre-approval for too long, holding out for the perfect home, buying more than they can afford, and skipping out on hiring a pro. Let’s connect to make sure you have a pro on your side who can help you […]
Buyers Unlocking Homebuyer Opportunities in 2024 There’s no arguing this past year has been difficult for homebuyers. And if you’re someone who has started the process of searching for a home, maybe you put your search on hold because the challenges in today’s market felt like too much to tackle. You’re not alone in that. A Bright MLS study found some […]
Agent Value How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice you’ll make. While housing market conditions are definitely […]
Agent Value The Price of Perfection: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Home In life, patience is a virtue – but in the world of homebuying, waiting too long in hopes of finding the perfect home actually isn’t wise. That’s because the pursuit of perfection comes at a cost. And in this case, that cost may be delaying your dream of homeownership. As Bankrate explains: “One of the […]
Buyers Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage There are a few key things you’ll want to avoid after applying for a mortgage to make sure you’re in the best position when you get to the closing table. Don’t change bank accounts, apply for new credit, make any large purchases or transfers, and don’t co-sign loans for anyone. Here’s a good rule of […]
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Buyers Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream Everyone’s vision for the future is personal and unique. But for many, common goals include success, freedom, and prosperity — values closely tied to having your own home and the iconic feeling of achieving the American Dream. A recent survey by Bankrate reveals exactly that: homeownership is still a part of the American Dream. The […]
Buyers Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment With all the headlines circulating about home prices and mortgage rates, you may be asking yourself if it still makes sense to buy a home right now, or if it’s better to keep renting. Here’s some information that could help put your mind at ease by showing that investing in a home is still a powerful […]
Buyers The Difference Between an Inspection and an Appraisal When you decide to buy your first home, you may come across a number of terms and conditions you’re not familiar with. While you may have a general idea of what an inspection is, maybe you’re not sure why you need one or how it’s different from an appraisal. To keep it simple, here’s an […]
Buyers Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a big question on many people’s minds today. And while what timing is right for you will depend on a lot of other personal factors, here’s something you may not have considered. If you’re able to buy at today’s rates and prices, it may […]
Buyers Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales. Home Prices Are Expected To Climb Moderately Home prices are forecasted to rise at a more normal pace. The graph below shows the latest forecasts from seven of the most trusted […]
Buyers Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade Summer is officially here and that means it’s the perfect time to start planning where you want to vacation and unwind this season. If you’re excited about getting away and having some fun in the sun, it might make sense to consider if owning your own vacation home is right for you. An Ameriprise Financial […]
Buyers What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs There’s no denying it’s gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today’s mortgage rates and home price appreciation. And that may be one of the big reasons you’re eager to look into grants and assistance programs to see if there’s anything you qualify for that can help. But unfortunately, many homebuyers feel like […]
Buying Tips Worried About Mortgage Rates? Control the Controllables Chances are you’re hearing a lot about mortgage rates right now. You may even see some headlines talking about last week’s Federal Reserve (the Fed) meeting and what it means for rates. But the Fed doesn’t determine mortgage rates, even if the headlines make it sound like they do. The truth is, mortgage rates are […]
Buyers Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the housing market. It’s a great question because buying or selling a home is a major decision, and it’s natural to wonder how such a […]
Buyers Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are If you’ve seen the news lately about home sellers slashing prices, it’s a great example of how headlines do more to terrify than clarify. Here’s what’s really happening with prices. The bottom line is home prices are higher than they were a year ago at this time, and they’re expected to keep rising, just at […]
Buyers Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up You may have heard that there are more brand-new homes available right now than the norm. Today, about one in three homes on the market are newly built. And if you’re wondering what that means for the housing market and for your own move, here’s what you need to know. Why This Isn’t Like 2008 […]
Buyers Savings Strategies Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs To Know Savings Strategies Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs To Know If homeownership is on your goal sheet for your future, you’re probably working on your savings. And a big priority is making sure you’ve got a plan in place for things like your closing costs, down payment, and more. Here are a few strategies that can help […]